- Time: about 3 minutes
- Cost $: $0
- Area of Science and Topic: Environmental science
- Learning objectives
- The kids should be able to learn about the logic behind the global warming.
- The kids should be aware that the earth, indeed is heating up.
- Blanket

1. Find a flat surface
2. Lie down and totally cover your upper body with blanket.
3. Feel how the temperature increases within the blanket.
*Tips for making the experiment work best with kids:
- Perform this experiement in a hot environment, or under the sun.
- Kids will experience greater amount of temperature increase under the blanket.
Online resources for this experiment:
- Videos (links)
- Pictures (links) - https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150549206302180&set=oa.240489166027629&type=1&theater
- Websites (links)
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